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Always Pursuing the Comfortable Feeling

Light Weight Like Clouds


AMIPARIS眼鏡提供了一種獲得功能和美感的幸福感。它認為眼鏡是我們最珍視的必需品。它的目標是通過關注每一個生產過程,如材料選擇,為所有用戶提供最舒適的感覺。AMIPARIS自行挑選眼鏡材料,並塑造它,直到它認為是完美的眼鏡框架。它承諾在每一個產品中持續生產相同的質量。這種承諾增加了消費者和公司之間的信任。眼鏡的兩個最重要的元素是框架和材料。AMIPARIS看到了這一點,並為其眼鏡創造了無壓力的合適度。它創造了一種高功能性的眼鏡,將設計和風格結合到一種有趣和時尚的生活方式中。新寶公司是 AMIPARIS 日本品牌眼鏡的香港及部分東南亞城市的授權經銷商,詳情請致電給我們查詢。

AMIPARIS Eyewear provides a sense of well-being that acquires both functions and beauty. It believes that eyewear is an essential item that we cherish the most. It aims to provide the most comfortable feeling to all its users by taking care of every production processes, such as material selection. AMIPARIS picks eyewear material itself and shapes it until it believes as the perfect eyewear frame. It commits to produce the same quality of products in every one of them constantly. This commitment adds trust between the consumer and the company. The two most important elements of an eyewear are the frames and material. AMIPARIS sees that and creates a stress-free fit to its eyewear. It creates a high functionality eyewear that combines designs and styles to a fun and fashionable lifestyle. Sun Po Trading Co. is the Authorized Distributor of AMIPARIS Eyewear in Hong Kong and some other cities in Asia Pacific. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.

Summary 簡介

Always Pursuing the Comfortable Feeling

Official Website 官方網站

Category 類別

Japanese 日本

Updated Date 更新日期

04 Apr 2024

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於 1991 年創立, 新寶公司是設立在香港的亞太區眼鏡經銷商和批發商。

Founded in 1991, Sun Po Trading Co. is a Hong Kong based eyewear sole distributor and wholesaler for Asia Pacific.

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