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Perfect, Classic, and Aesthetic Eyewear

Designs with Affection and Spirit


新寶公司是 Perfect Number 眼鏡的香港及部分東南亞城市的授權經銷商,詳情請 致電給我們 查詢。

木本紳太郎 is a famous Japanese eyewear designer, who founded his eyewear brand, “Perfect Number”, in 2008. He tried to break through the traditional designs of Japanese eyewear by looking at the teenage culture during 1960s and 1970s. He successfully created new values to Sabae’s eyewear industry, which is the “Perfect Number” - something rare, and precious in infinite numbers. “Perfect Number” uses the classic and aesthetic elements of Japanese eyewear with designing ingenuity in contemporary eyewear products, creating a variety of creative lines and colors. It also uses high translucent, colorful acetate fiberboard to mix a perfect color, making its eyewear as vibrant as it can. Sabae’s eyewear professionals colored the metal frame one-by-one to make every single detail perfect. This is the spirit of “Perfect Number” eyewear. Its designer, 木本紳太郎, believes that eyewear is not just about designs, but also the encounter with soul. He claimed that designs with affection and spirit can be clearly seen when we look at a product; it is the “something” that is included in “Perfect Number” eyewear – the spirit of teenagers’ counterculture. By mixing new colors with traditional Japanese eyewear designs, “Perfect Number” eyewear becomes the “something” that consumers can savor. Sun Po Trading Co. is the Authorized Distributor of Perfect Number Eyewear in Hong Kong and some other cities in Asia Pacific. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.

Summary 簡介
Perfect Number

Perfect, Classic, and Aesthetic Eyewear

Official Website 官方網站

Category 類別

Japanese 日本

Updated Date 更新日期

11 Jun 2024

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於 1991 年創立, 新寶公司是設立在香港的亞太區眼鏡經銷商和批發商。

Founded in 1991, Sun Po Trading Co. is a Hong Kong based eyewear sole distributor and wholesaler for Asia Pacific.

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